Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Tattle Tale

Every morning I look forward to hearing Ethan get up and his little feet run into our room. He usually pokes me and asks"Mom, is it wake up time."

This morning Brian and I were up before our little superhero rose. I was sitting on the bed watching the morning news when Ethan came in and asked if dad was still downstairs. I said "no, he's getting ready for work. Go tell him good morning."

Brian said "Good morning buddy."

Instead of Ethan's usual good morning...he said "Dad, mom wouldn't read me a book last night." Brian smiled at me and asked, "Are you tattle tailing on mommy?"

Oops busted. But I did have a good was nine o'clock. I used my mommy power.


LadyD said...

Good one T- SUperT- the mom with power! We actually have the same rule, books if you are in bed by 8:00-L.

zcoffeegirl said...

I'm so bad at books....when I actually do read to my kiddos at night..they get excited and thank me over and over. should feel better. LOL (bad mom, bad mom)