Appropriate blog? Just in time for Halloween, Ethan told me a scary story. Yesterday, we visited Kristi at church and while there Ethan hit up the treat bowl--his choice was some stick pretzels.
On the way out to the van he had a couple of pretzels left and I asked him if he was going to finish them. He said, "No because they tasted like brains." "Ewww!" I said. "How do you know what brains taste like. If you tasted a brain someone or something would have to have died." Ethan's reply "Well if I died mom you could just buy another kid. " Ha ha, NOT! Then I said, "I would be very sad and not stop crying!" He thought for a moment, "well maybe God just took my brain out of my head, but I didn't die."
Ok, I give up, I can't keep up with this kid. Where do they come up with these things?