Sunday, December 31, 2006


Dave Gunnlaugsson gave a GREAT sermon this morning. What is your portion? Is the Lord enough for you? It made me think about alot of things in my life. Thanks Lord for giving this message to us throught Dave. The scripture was from Lamentations 3:21-26.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Stitched By T

Well, I was told today that I need to Blog again. I finally got it working. Horray!

Anyway, not to much to write about today...Ethan had a GREAT christmas. He made out like a bandit from the grandma's and grandpa's. My favorite moment was Christmas morning and he told his Papa Art, "you can have my candy cane of m&m's Papa"-- it was so cute. He's such a great kid.

Stitched By T

Test message