Thursday, June 22, 2006

Deal of the Month

So, my sister is getting married in 10 days, and I needed to find a dress for the wedding. I went to David's Bridal too look at the colors of the bridal party so I wouldn't clash. I pick out three dresses, pale yellow, lavendar and a deep plum. I fell in love with the yellow one right away but after trying it on wasn't thrilled with the fit. Then, I tried on the lavendar dress and loved it, but was concerned that it would clash with the candy red of the bridesmaid dresses. So then, I tried on the plum one.

IT WAS THE ONE! I just loved it--the fit, the color and everything.

I went up to the counter to pay for it and took out my checkbook while the sales lady bagged the dress. She said, "that will be $29.99 please" I had to do a double take at the price tag, "really, I said the price says $59.99," and she said "I know it's another 50% off".

I did the happy dance of joy! What a deal. Anyway enough of my boring "blog".

God's blessings to you all today!


kristi noser said...

Don'tcha LOVE it when that happens?

Carla said...

I celebrate your dress buying prowess!! YEAH!

kristi noser said...

Oh, and Tia, no 50% off deal is EVER boring!

Joey said...

Wow, maybe if I ever bought anything, I'd take advantage of a deal like that...that's pretty sweet!